
Cloud Computing

Cloud is about how you do computing,
not where you do computing.

Metal to cloud

Cloud computing is a computing-infrastructure and software model for enabling ubiquitous access to shared pools of configurable resources (such as computer networks, servers, storage, applications and services), which can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. Cloud computing allows users and enterprises with various computing capabilities to store and process data either in a privately-owned cloud, or on a third-party server located in a datacenter - thus making data-accessing mechanisms more efficient and reliable.

For years we have created scalable backend architectures that provided the services and integrations to power great customer experiences. Load balancers, Java, Spring, ASP.NET, WebAPI, NodeJS, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), stateless REST services, message queues, database clustering, redundant failover solutions, and of course backups….whew!



Transforming to cloud computing means all of these items can be stood up with a click of a mouse, radically increasing the speed and agility of your team. Developers can work faster and more productively, taking advantage of pre-built products that perform tasks and services that would have required complex integrations and data transformations.

The breath of cloud computing services includes: servers, storage, databases, networking, content distribution, analytics, cognitive services, artificial intelligence and more. Whether you go with Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or a combination of the two, you can rely on proven systems, and reduce your spend on running and maintaining data centers.
Novasoft Technologies can help you transform your existing systems, create modern backend solutions, and help with the ongoing management of your new cloud platform.

Cloud Computing



Using platforms such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, we can create scalable applications that make use of micro-services, deployment containers, and take advantage of all of the existing products available on your platform of choice. No longer will you need IT staff to perform installations and upgrades; now, it’s all about DevOps and being an expert in the cloud. Anything from Content Delivery to Artificial Intelligence is just an API away, and you only pay for what you use.

We have created hundreds of solutions for our clients across all 3 of the major platforms, and on each platform we integrate the right products for the solutions you need. From Amazon Lambda, to Azure Web and Worker Roles, to Google App Engine, we have been there.

Website Development
Our stunning websites, bring life to your brands and transform your dreams to reality
Mobile Application Development
Small screens, amazing potential. Digital experiences for modern platforms
Digital Marketing
Social media’s are an extremely cost effective yet powerful method for marketing your product and its services
Digital Product Strategy
Our team of product, research, and design experts is the bedrock for every partner
Hosting Services
We provinding web space on our web-server to store your websites
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing services includes: servers, storage, databases, networking etc
Quality Assurance
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort
Billing Software with GST
Billing invoicing software with invoice template

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